Captain Gyanendra Malla: “What is the point of doing the personal criticism that has caused concern among family members?” (Video)


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  • 2021-09-20
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  • Captain Gyanendra Malla has responded openly after being publicly chastised by supporters
  • The supporters even told the captain to leave the designation he is having for the National cricket team
  • He expressed his displeasure 

Captain Gyanendra Malla has responded openly after being publicly chastised by supporters. The family expressed sadness over the criticism and stated that they did not understand why they were being chastised. 

He claimed that he always worked with the team in mind, even if he wasn't always successful, and that he was surprised when he was chastised. Captain Gyanendra's performance on social media enraged supporters the last time they saw him.

The supporters even told the captain to leave the designation he is having for the National cricket team. He claimed that his wife had written to him, stating that he would no longer be allowed to use social media. 

He expressed his displeasure and stated that attacking him personally was inappropriate.

Let's take a look at the conversation with Captain Gyanendra Malla:



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